Flowers are a fantastic addition to any garden as they add a touch of color with some additional scents to wow your senses. If you’re thinking about planting some gorgeous things in your yard, then you need to check out these hacks that will take them to a whole new level, and upgrade your garden!

Plant seasonal flowers

Certain flowers grow a lot better in specific conditions. As such, if you want to make your garden look amazing, then you need to plant seasonal flowers in the right seasons. Not only does this ensure that your flowers grow, but it gives you an excuse to keep mixing things up and planting new ones. It means your garden never stays the same, so you can switch up the colour scheme and design depending on what the weather’s like!

Use Kelkay gravel as a topping

What do plants need to survive? That’s right, plenty of moisture! Well, did you know that you can use some stunning Kelkay gravel to place on top of the plant soil? When used like this, our gravel will help retain moisture, which enhances the planting. You won’t have to worry about the plants drying out and dying, meaning they grow big and beautiful! There are loads to choose from, but we think the Kelkay Italian Rose gravel is an excellent choice. It’s perfect for garden borders, meaning it will really combine well with your flowers.

Sprinkle cinnamon powder

This will sound absolutely crazy in your eyes, but cinnamon powder has its uses in your garden. Mainly, you need to use it when your flowers are in their seedling phases. This is after you’ve planted the seed, and just as they’re starting to sprout. Add a dash of cinnamon, and you can help stop fungus from growing, while also preventing any diseases. Your plants won’t die before they have a chance to properly grow, meaning you end up with some stunning flowers. As a bonus, you’ve got an amazing smelling garden as well!

Plant them in the peak sun areas

All plants depend on the sun to help them grow. So, our final tip is to find the best sun areas in your garden. Ideally, your flowers should see around 8 hours of sun per day. As a result, it doesn’t make sense to plant them somewhere that spends most of the day hidden in the shade! Take a look at your garden and figure out which area is the best place for your little flower patch. Now, the flowers will harness the power of the sun to grow big and beautiful.


There are loads of different things you can add to a garden for it to be amazing. Planting some flowers is such a brilliant idea as it's easy to do and really adds some vibrancy to the place. Plus, when combined with Kelkay gravel, you get an absolutely glorious effect! If you want to plant some flowers this spring, then make sure you use the four tips above.